LB573 - Rotating Amber Light Bill Hearing (was Re: Legislative Update (was Re: LB719 Hearing (was Re: Flashing Light Bill Amendment Introduced (Nebraska))))
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ARRL Members Only Web site
2011-02-10 14:47:25 UTC
This is a "heads-up" that the bill to allow Nebraska Storm Spotters to
use flashing amber lights will be reviewed at a hearing by the
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee on February 15, 2011.

The hearing is scheduled for 1:30pm at the Capitol in Room 1113.

You can get a pdf copy of the bill at the following URLs:

The Nebraska State Legislature website:


or from my website:


This bill follows up on an attempt made last session to modify a new
law to allow Storm Spotters to use flashing amber lights. It has been
reviewed by ARRL's legislative affairs office. I've received both
positive and negative comments from hams in Nebraska. These were all
thoughtful and had merit. Whether for or against the bill, you can
make suggestions to modify the bill and improve any resulting law.

If you would like to testify in person about LB573, your contributions
would be appreciated. If you would like to submit comments in writing
(via email), please follow the advice of Jim Harper, KCØSHZ, that I
emailed earlier. Jim suggested:

1. Send your comments to the Chair of the Transportation and
Telecommunications Committee, Sen. Fischer. Her email address is:

2. Include the bill number (LB573) and the phrase "Testimony for the
Record" in the subject line. Also indicate whether the testimony is in
favor or opposed to the bill. For example, you can write

"LB573 - Testimony for the Record (in favor)" or "LB573 - Testimony for
the Record (opposed)"

73, Art KØAIZ

ARRL Nebraska Section
Section Manager: Arthur I Zygielbaum, K0AIZ
ARRL Members Only Web site
2011-02-18 12:10:02 UTC
The hearing on LB573, the Amber Flashing Lights for Storm Spotters Bill,
was held this afternoon (Wednesday, February 16th) before the
Transportation and Telecommunications Committee of the Nebraska
Legislature. Three people testified in favor of the Bill and no one
testified opposed.

Pat Gerdes, representing the Nebraska Association of Emergency
Managers, gave very positive comments about hams and our support of
emergency and public service activities. There was a representative
from the Nebraska Association of County Officials (unfortunately, I did
not get his name) who was also was very supportive. I testified as an
individual in favor of the Bill.

The Senators posed many questions about how hams were deployed, how
amber lights helped to protect them, as well as about issues of
identification, training and certification.

The committee went into executive session after they received
testimony. As soon as I hear anything more, I will send out an email.

73, Art KØAIZ

ARRL Nebraska Section
Section Manager: Arthur I Zygielbaum, K0AIZ
ARRL Members Only Web site
2011-05-13 13:00:57 UTC
Jim Winney, KD6MXE, has been doing a nice job monitoring LB573, the bill
to authorize storm spotters to use flashing amber lights, as it
traversed the legislative process. Jim informs me that LB573 passed
the state senate this morning. It now awaits the governor's

If you would like to review the final language, here is the URL:


The language is a bit different than what we had originally proposed,
but should satisfy the needs of the storm spotters and the emergency
managers who requested help getting the legislation.

73, Art KØAIZ

ARRL Nebraska Section
Section Manager: Arthur I Zygielbaum, K0AIZ