More Omaha area BBS notes and recollections ..
(too old to reply)
2003-07-25 23:30:29 UTC
As I said a while back (I think), I've completed one page of some
various thoughts on Omaha's 'Golden Years' of BBS systems, and some
related topics.

It's now on line at:


Comments, corrections, and additional information will be appreciated.

Good day JSW

* Ybbat (DRBBS) Ybbat ybscan 0.1 DRBBS Technical BBS, Omaha
2003-07-30 03:11:26 UTC
Post by jsw
As I said a while back (I think), I've completed one page of some
various thoughts on Omaha's 'Golden Years' of BBS systems, and some
related topics.
Comments, corrections, and additional information will be appreciated.
Good day JSW
* Ybbat (DRBBS) Ybbat ybscan 0.1 DRBBS Technical BBS, Omaha
I was among the first users on "Larry's Hot Tub" and its last. I ran one
of four points off the "tub" and was the last one functional. Many Amiga
files are in my archives on floppies. I still have archives of messages
stored on my Amiga A-1000A system. I also was the last user on GOCUG before
it went dark last year. I frequented YABBS, Friends, EDGE, CoCo, OATUG,
DRBBS, and many others. I was a good friend of the late Mike Klappal (never
met him personally!) and have archive copies of his BBS listings.

Rick Ethridge (yeah, still got all them computers... and then some!)