Live Horse Racing Returns to Omaha
(too old to reply)
2005-07-20 23:42:05 UTC
Some of you may remember me as the bugler from AkSarBen.

Tomorrow, live horse racing returns to Omaha for 4 days.
Thursday and Friday, first post time 6pm
Saturday and Sunday, first post time 2pm

If you go, please stop and say Hi, or hope I survive the weather.
Jim Redelfs
2005-07-21 00:33:25 UTC
Post by johnkool
Some of you may remember me as the bugler from AkSarBen.
I recall seeing a snippet of film footage of you, clad in a red outfit,
strutting your stuff (and bugle).
Post by johnkool
If you go
I lived within BLOCKS of Ak-Sar-Ben for over 23 years but have YET to attend a
horse race. Therefore, it's unlikely I'll make it to Horsemen's Park,
although you are the best reason to go that I can think of.
Post by johnkool
hope I survive the weather.
Good luck, have fun and BE CAREFUL: It's been brutal working outside lately.

2005-07-22 02:04:57 UTC
Post by Jim Redelfs
I lived within BLOCKS of Ak-Sar-Ben for over 23 years but have YET to attend a
horse race. Therefore, it's unlikely I'll make it to Horsemen's Park,
although you are the best reason to go that I can think of.
I never went prior to getting the job as bugler at AkSarBen.
Post by Jim Redelfs
Post by johnkool
hope I survive the weather.
Good luck, have fun and BE CAREFUL: It's been brutal working outside lately.
They made it easier on me. Though I wear a coat and tie, I only have to
be outside for about 10 minutes at a time. Then I can go in, strip
of the coat and sit in an air conditioned room with thejockeys. This is
the first year since 1981 I have been anywhere close to people actually
involved with racing.

What do you do to stay safe?
Do you work all by yourself or in pairs?
How much water.

I would sure hate to be a roofer in this weather.
Jim Redelfs
2005-07-22 12:31:30 UTC
Post by johnkool
Post by Jim Redelfs
It's been brutal working outside lately.
What do you do to stay safe?
I've been working outside in all temps for so many years, I really don't
consciously do much EXTRA to stay safe except for being particularly watchful
for symptoms of heat stress.

A classic example occurred several years ago. It was SOOOO hot AND humid that
I felt like an old man suffering heart failure. Walking SLIGHTLY uphill from
the rear of the customer's back yard too the street up/out front took all of
my energy. I was huffing and puffing and breathing with an open mouth. It
was oppressive.

Then I experienced a SHIVER.

A shiver? I had enough brain power engaged to realize that it was about 110
heat index and SHIVERING was NOT normal. I took it as a signal to take a
break in the shade and drink water. That's happened no more than twice in all
these years.

My worst heat-related experience happened probably three years ago. I worked
ALL DAY at a home in central Omaha. I did EVERYTHING, used EVERY ladder AND
almost every tool on my truck.

I climbed poles and trimmed trees - the whole bit. And I drank GALLONS of
water. I did NOT drink any other stuff.

Bad move. (really bad)

I sweat out probably every vital chemical in my body. That night, every
muscle in my body cramped - ALL NIGHT. I had to get out of bed to relieve
cramps in my legs several times. I now drink Gatorade when I sweat profusely.
Post by johnkool
Do you work all by yourself or in pairs?
We work alone almost always.
Post by johnkool
How much water.
Probably a gallon or two on days like these. Add in the Gatorade (24-oz?)
Post by johnkool
Hot weather is about the only time I'll actually STOP, sit and rest.
Post by johnkool
I would sure hate to be a roofer in this weather.
I can't imagine how hot THAT job must be. In this weather, however, they
start at dawn and quit around 3:00 PM. During the restoration after Grand
Island's tornado in 1980, I recall seeing a house being re-roofed in the
105-degree heat. The workers had mounted a garden hose and nozzle at the edge
of the roof and worked in the "rain"!

