Post by johnkoolPost by Jim RedelfsIt's been brutal working outside lately.
What do you do to stay safe?
I've been working outside in all temps for so many years, I really don't
consciously do much EXTRA to stay safe except for being particularly watchful
for symptoms of heat stress.
A classic example occurred several years ago. It was SOOOO hot AND humid that
I felt like an old man suffering heart failure. Walking SLIGHTLY uphill from
the rear of the customer's back yard too the street up/out front took all of
my energy. I was huffing and puffing and breathing with an open mouth. It
was oppressive.
Then I experienced a SHIVER.
A shiver? I had enough brain power engaged to realize that it was about 110
heat index and SHIVERING was NOT normal. I took it as a signal to take a
break in the shade and drink water. That's happened no more than twice in all
these years.
My worst heat-related experience happened probably three years ago. I worked
ALL DAY at a home in central Omaha. I did EVERYTHING, used EVERY ladder AND
almost every tool on my truck.
I climbed poles and trimmed trees - the whole bit. And I drank GALLONS of
water. I did NOT drink any other stuff.
Bad move. (really bad)
I sweat out probably every vital chemical in my body. That night, every
muscle in my body cramped - ALL NIGHT. I had to get out of bed to relieve
cramps in my legs several times. I now drink Gatorade when I sweat profusely.
Post by johnkoolDo you work all by yourself or in pairs?
We work alone almost always.
Probably a gallon or two on days like these. Add in the Gatorade (24-oz?)
Hot weather is about the only time I'll actually STOP, sit and rest.
Post by johnkoolI would sure hate to be a roofer in this weather.
I can't imagine how hot THAT job must be. In this weather, however, they
start at dawn and quit around 3:00 PM. During the restoration after Grand
Island's tornado in 1980, I recall seeing a house being re-roofed in the
105-degree heat. The workers had mounted a garden hose and nozzle at the edge
of the roof and worked in the "rain"!