Jim Redelfs
2004-02-25 03:55:23 UTC
An annoying emailer is a friend, neighbor or mere acquaintance that, for
some reason, has decided that you deserve to receive a regular stream of
forwards bearing jpeg images, anecdotes, stories and other "invaluable"
wit and wisdom.
I am the reluctant recipient of the output of one such person. He's a
neighbor. Were it not for this annoying aspect of his behavior, I would
call him a GOOD neighbor.
In all honesty, he really IS a good neighbor - except for this glaring
habit. His emailings are prolific enough that I have created a separate
folder for his messages and have set up a rule that sends all his stuff
A couple of years or so ago, I politely asked him to cease and desist,
which he promptly did.
Then, in a moment of weakness and utter stupidity, I sent HIM something
that I thought was very worthwhile to read. That simple oversight
opened up the floodgates and I am now again bombarded almost daily by
multiple messages - virtually ALL "forwards" with nary an original word
to be found. In fact, I believe I have received only one or two
personal messages from him in all these years - and they were in REPLY
to an ORIGINAL message I sent him. <sigh>
I guess my biggest beef is that my definition of the PURPOSE of email
and his obviously differ: I use email for mostly legitimate, personal
communication. He uses it simply as a convenient pipeline for
disseminating what he must consider to be irresistible entertainment.
I am frustrated by the thought that, in the admittedly unlikely event he
would sent me some ORIGINAL email, I wouldn't see it until I venture
into his folder - and that can often go unopened for days.
I guess that, if he REALLY needs to communication directly with me,
there's always the telephone.
some reason, has decided that you deserve to receive a regular stream of
forwards bearing jpeg images, anecdotes, stories and other "invaluable"
wit and wisdom.
I am the reluctant recipient of the output of one such person. He's a
neighbor. Were it not for this annoying aspect of his behavior, I would
call him a GOOD neighbor.
In all honesty, he really IS a good neighbor - except for this glaring
habit. His emailings are prolific enough that I have created a separate
folder for his messages and have set up a rule that sends all his stuff
A couple of years or so ago, I politely asked him to cease and desist,
which he promptly did.
Then, in a moment of weakness and utter stupidity, I sent HIM something
that I thought was very worthwhile to read. That simple oversight
opened up the floodgates and I am now again bombarded almost daily by
multiple messages - virtually ALL "forwards" with nary an original word
to be found. In fact, I believe I have received only one or two
personal messages from him in all these years - and they were in REPLY
to an ORIGINAL message I sent him. <sigh>
I guess my biggest beef is that my definition of the PURPOSE of email
and his obviously differ: I use email for mostly legitimate, personal
communication. He uses it simply as a convenient pipeline for
disseminating what he must consider to be irresistible entertainment.
I am frustrated by the thought that, in the admittedly unlikely event he
would sent me some ORIGINAL email, I wouldn't see it until I venture
into his folder - and that can often go unopened for days.
I guess that, if he REALLY needs to communication directly with me,
there's always the telephone.